Brahms' delightful Liebeslieder Waltzes have been enjoyed by choirs ever since they were first published in 1870. The Mélodie Treasury now publishes both the first Op.52 collection and the Op.65 Neue Liebeslieder in lively and satisfying English translations by Christopher Goldsack. The Op.52 collection is published in the usual version for SATB choir as well as an arrangement for SAB choir.
The scores are presented with a solo piano reduction of the original piano duet accompaniments, for ease in rehearsal.
These new translations are lively and modern, but follow the meaning and spirit of the German texts as closely as possible whilst respecting the rhyme structure and metre of the poems, making the songs accessible to English speaking singers. (NB. For clarity, the German texts are not included).
The arrangement for SAB choir has been done to make the songs accessible to youth choirs with fewer boys, or to adult choirs with fewer men. The arrangements are such that singers who have sung the SATB version before should have little difficulty swapping between versions.
Click these links to view and download perusal pdfs:
view Liebeslieder Waltes SATB score
view Neue Liebeslieder SATB score
view Liebeslieder SAB score
The editions are priced at £4.95 or £5.45 plus P&P.
Buy a copy of Brahms' Liebeslieder Waltzes for SATB choirs:
Buy a copy of Brahms' Neue Liebeslieder for SATB choirs:
Buy a copy of Brahms' Liebeslieder Waltzes for SAB choirs: