The Singing in French anthologies of songs offer singers with little experience of the French language the support needed to engage with and perform in the language with confidence. They are beautifully presented in scores with detailed notes on style and interpretation, word-for-word and idiomatic translations as well as having IPA phonetic transcriptions integrated into the scores. Digital accompaniments for all the songs in these collections can also be downloaded from this site using the download index.
To see a sample score and notes click here to download a free copy of Fauré's Après un rêve - other keys are also available free using the download index.
A thorough starter kit for working in the French language. Many of these songs are in grades 4-7 of the British public examination board syllabuses. The book is priced at £12.00 plus P&P.
Jeunes fillettes - arr. Weckerlin
Tyndaris - Hahn
Guitare - Lalo
Ici-bas! - Fauré
Viens! les gazons sont verts! - Gounod
Chanson de Fortunio - Offenbach
En prière - Fauré
A Lucette - Pierné
Lydia - Fauré
Chanson d'amour - Fauré
Le secret - Fauré
Bonjour, Suzon! - Delibes
Ma poupée chérie - de Séverac
Le charme - Chausson
Psyché - Paladilhe
Oiseaux, si tous les ans - Mozart
Ouvre tes yeux bleus - Massenet
Chanson d'avril - Bizet
Buy a copy of Singing in French - volume 1:
Edition for higher voices:
Edition for lower voices:
With all the support of volume 1, the songs in volume 2 begin to be a bit more searching. Many of these songs are in grades 6-8 of the British public examination board syllabuses. The book is priced at £14.99 plus P&P.
Dans un bois solitaire et sombre - Mozart
Villanelle - Berlioz
Le soir - Gounod
Sérénade - Gounod
Nocturne - Franck
Chanson triste - Saint-Saëns
Après un rêve - Fauré
Au bord de l'eau - Fauré;
Les berceaux - Fauré
Clair de lune - Fauré
Nell - Fauré
Sylvie - Fauré
Prison - Fauré
Les roses d'Ispahan - Fauré
Extase - Duparc
Le colibri - Chausson
Sérénade italienne - Chausson
Beau soir - Debussy
Romance - Debussy
Mandoline - Debussy
Je te veux - Satie
Sainte - Ravel
Buy a copy of Singing in French - volume 2:
Edition for higher voices:
Edition for lower voices: